CRS Stride Data Management – The Game Changer in Regulatory Reporting
In our last article Identify the “Best-Fit” CRS Solution – Outsource, Build or Buy?, we discussed “Best-Fit” and in a follow we wanted to discuss Data Management. Despite the substantial investment made by banks in data management, the requirement for a platform to carry out manual workarounds to the CRS Input data for impairing the risks of inaccurate reporting continues to persist.
It’s an obvious truth that many people overlook: master data is not as good as one would like it to be.
For CRS and FATCA reporting, especially, high data quality is required to generate accurate and complete reports to tax authorities. Financial institutions must look out for multiple data repositories of the account holders such as deposit-taking, wealth management and custody footprints for detailed information that is required to fulfil the reporting obligations.
Financial institutions can find themselves on a downhill slide if they don’t have effective data quality procedures in place to keep up with their reporting and refiling obligations while also monitoring constant multi-jurisdictional FATCA/CRS reporting changes.
Financial institutions now have clear and concise requirements for recording customer information. Some requirements are imposed by law, while others are the result of internal processes. In the past, there were fewer provisions and forms, which led to problems now with the master data’s accuracy.
Data gaps that arise in this manner are usually not addressed until the next customer meeting, which is usually a long time away. Filling the data gaps that frequently remain can be time-consuming and expensive in practice. Our CRS Stride software detects these gaps in real-time and alerts financial institutions so they can be closed within the application.
Data gaps begin from the Core System
Whether a specific attribute is recorded for a customer may be irrelevant to the core system of a financial institution. However, it may still be a key barrier if this information is needed later in the process.
Because different downstream systems demand various information, the list of mandatory core system attributes grows very long, even if they aren’t completely essential in the core system.
So, it all starts in the core system, where either there isn’t a field for certain information where the customer data is initially entered, or it wasn’t previously required to fill in these fields.
In 2015, for example, there were no requirements for TIN verification or validation checks in the CRS. Implementation of the US Internal Revenue Service TIN matching codes and the shift to CRS Schema 2.0 for XML filing are two recent significant changes that have affected data management and quality. Both changes necessitate financial institutions to achieve higher levels of granular data accuracy, necessitating data refiling.
Mandatory fields slow down the Customer Onboarding Process
Mandatory fields are a double-edged sword because, on the one hand, the customer should be completely documented, but on the other hand, the customer creation process must be quick and should not be slowed down by details that can be added later – provided, of course, that these later additions are made. And only if there is a suitable field for this purpose. Whatever the reason, there are frequently gaps in the data that can be time-consuming and costly to fill.
Data Inaccuracy & Data Gaps lead to Resubmission
Resubmission is one of the four major challenges associated with FATCA/CRS reporting, together with data challenges, rules, jurisdictional nuances, and 3rd party reporting. HMRC reach out to the financial institutions to resubmit the data if the institutions fail to submit data that is complete, accurate, valid, timely, and consistent. This process, which is often done manually, can be very long and tedious, as well as posing a compliance risk.
The need for resubmission is primarily spurred by poor data quality. Depending on whether (a) the resubmission is voluntary or non-voluntary, (b) the resubmission is under a tight deadline, and (c) the FATCA/CRS reporting solution is automated, organisations face significant pressure.
There are two possible scenarios when it comes to resubmission:
- The organisation is aware that a recent submission has a data quality issue.
- Regulators find a flaw in the initial submission and require a resubmission within an arbitrary timeline, which can range from two weeks to two months.
The approach used for refiling, whether it is voluntary or non-voluntary, must be carefully thought out to effectively tackle the many complex situations that arise.
During this resubmission process, financial institutions should handle complex situations more carefully as data quality issues may result in revisiting their operational approach. Gap analysis has to be done to identify the loopholes and a stringent data governance framework should be inducted to ensure the quality of data. CRS Schema 2.0 was imposed to overcome all these complex resubmission processes.
What should the financial institutions do for resubmission?
- Void submission: Cancel the original XML, make the necessary changes, and resubmit with a new XML.
- Account-level resubmission: Based on corrected data, all account-related details, including Controlling Person for CRS and Substantial Owner for FATCA details (if any), are re-classified. Following that, an updated XML is generated automatically.
- DocRefID resubmission: Regulators specify which DocRefID to correct, and users have the option of only correcting the affected DocRefID and leaving the rest of the XML file alone.
Whether the financial institutions resubmitting the CRS/FATCA reporting on their own or it is mandated by HMRC to rectify and resubmit within specific timelines, there should be a trustable, automated and seamless process should be in place to refine the specific data to reply to the HMRC quickly.
Most financial institutions are scrambling their heads to meet tight deadlines as the data cleansing process is a tiresome task if it is done manually.
Financial intuitions should shift to an automated CRS/FATCA reporting solution which takes care of all the reporting obligations seamlessly so that they can keep their focus on growing their business rather than running behind the compliance burdens.
Core Banking System is the golden source of reference data for CRS reporting but before accommodating the CRS input file it requires exhaustive refinements to comply with the HMRC standards. The maladaptation to the system scalability makes the banks lookout for new solutions.
What if the CRS application enables you to amend reportable data?
Having data management as an integrated feature within the CRS application will eradicate performing multiple iterations in amending the CRS reportable data.
Macro Global’s “CRS Stride – AEOI / HMRC CRS & FATCA Reporting Solution” facilitates amending the CRS data at the customer level within the application, enabling the banks to achieve the desired input data quality before considering it for CRS XML file generation.
Upon achieving the desired standards, CRS Stride generates an extensive audit trail with 90+ validations based on predefined rulesets to track and manage the deviations within the reportable data, providing utmost confidence for the banks in reporting the CRS data. This would save a lot of time and redundancy on both sides.
Macro Global offers a comprehensive “GAP Analysis and Recommendation” exercise, in which our subject matter experts will collaborate with the concerned teams of the financial institutions, perform raw data analysis, and bridge the gaps.
MG’s Adhoc and On-demand support for HMRC queries
In the event, that HMRC detects and notifies inaccurate data around the submitted CRS Reports, MG with its team of SMEs provides an extended arm to precisely fix the erroneous data by efficiently generating the Submission Variation and Submission Replacement XML files within the stringent timelines as specified by HMRC. The platform enables multiple variation submissions with ease.
Click Here to know more about the other features and benefits offered by CRS Stride.
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CRS Stride - HMRC CRS & FATCA Reporting Solution
Identify the “Best-Fit” CRS Solution – Outsource, Build or Buy?
We have been working with Banks and FIs for many years and this question constantly been asked to our consultants and sales team. It’s a million-dollar question and a key strategical decision for your successful integration of your Reg Reporting. A wrong step can be costlier and irreparable.
With our 20 plus years of experience, we will be able to navigate you to avoid the pitfalls and guide you for successful completion. Let’s discuss the common questions that come to any key decision-makers mind across this blog to walk you through and experience the differences each option offers and to be able to decide which one would be a “Best-Fit” for your organisation.
The significance that CRS has gained over few years by promoting tax transparency has made many jurisdictions adopt CRS to mobilise their tax revenues. This increase in the number of reporting Jurisdictions has certainly kept the financial institutions occupied over the last few years as there exists a huge inefficiency in handling the ever-changing regulatory requirements.
To pull back and accelerate the declined productivity the Financial Institutions desperate for an optimal CRS solution to seamlessly achieve the expected CRS Compliance mandated by HMRC with crucial strategic crossroads as Whether to Outsource, Build or Buy the best fit CRS reporting solution?
Outsourcing a right choice?
Delegating the CRS compliance activities to an external service provider may resemble to be a beneficial business strategy as it aids the financial institutions to cut off a considerable CapEx but do consider the following inevitable factors before taking a final call.
- Integrity of sensitive client data
- Flexibility in addressing the new regulatory changes
- Transparency exhibited over the ongoing compliance process
- Impact on the business environment, not adhering to the deadlines
Building In-House a wise choice?
Making a wise choice needs fact checks so does building in-house.
Building an in-house CRS reporting solution may help you exhibit full control over the project and helps you address specific needs with respect to CRS reporting, but do a lookup to evaluate the following parameters before making the buy decision.
- CapEx on the dedicated Infrastructure
- Subject matter expertise on the regulatory landscape
- Time to completion
- Optimal approach to address the actual needs
- Product support and maintenance
- Product upgrades upon regulatory changes
Buying a SaaS Solution?
The choices and their constraints might have baffled you, check this piece to unveil the blindfold.
First and foremost, the SaaS-based CRS solution bought from a third-party provider can be deployed at no time and subsequently it reduces the cost and effort involved while addressing the specific needs around CRS reporting.
The banks have the advantage of scrutinising the efficiency, compatibility, and support availability of the SaaS solution before arriving at the buy decision. Having in place a comprehensive CRS solution, the shift across CRS regulatory landscape can be handled at ease as the solution provider would hold the responsibility of upscaling the CRS reporting solution by incorporating the enhancements mandated by HMRC.
Few questions to be asked before buying an ideal CRS FACTA Reporting software:
- Whether the CRS FATCA software is built by understanding the risk and compliance eco-systems that exist across my clients and the wider market?
- How seamless the CRS reporting solution is to integrate your existing datasets with the CRS application to generate input files?
- Does the CRS reporting solution helps to achieve maximum operational efficacy by easing the data management process to ensure data integrity and CRS report accuracy?
- Whether the CRS reporting solution has a feature to generate an extensive classified audit trail with multiple validations to track and manage the deviations within the reportable data?
Conclusion – It may still be a dilemma but we will be able to assist you in making that right decision.
In our view and our experience with dozens of case studies opting to buy a SaaS-based CRS solution enables the banks to focus on their core value propositions to gain an edge over their competitors but finding the right solution from the right vendor remains to be a key success formula for the banks.
MG with its decades of experience in the RegTech space has tailored CRS Stride as a full-stack SaaS solution that automates all the phases of the CRS reporting process. Click Here to know more about how MG’s “CRS Stride” can quench your quest for an Optimal CRS solution. Try our product and services which address 360 degree of your CRS reporting obligation but you can change your mind if you feel it’s not the right fit at any point.
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CRS Stride - HMRC CRS & FATCA Reporting Solution
FSCS SCV report submission made easy in 3 steps
FSCS SCV report submission made easy with our industry leading product SCV Alliance - FSCS SCV Audit Platform
Our SCV Alliance – FSCS SCV Audit Platform is a regulatory reporting solution designed and suitable for the financial institution to control, automate and flexible to meet ever-increasing regulatory requirements.
It is a complete and compliant FSCS SCV audit solution capable of automatically validating SCV data and comply with FSCS requirements to report on-demand in 24 hours.
Our FSCS SCV Audit report helps you identify inaccuracies and put processes in place to prevent penalties and ensure that your data is duplicate free, consistent and accurate.
Our SCV Alliance – FSCS SCV Audit Platform provides data insights and allows you to correctly identify the individuals and entities to be reported, including exclusion, effectiveness and completeness reports.
Business Benefits
- The Business Consulting team offers support on the Governance and operational practices in the FSCS regulatory reporting landscape and ensure that our solution is compliant with current or future FSCS regulation.
- Fully automated and allowing validation, data enrichment, and managing account/customer rules.
- Assign different user roles for control over editing of details and submissions.
- Our solution generates a data validation report based on current requirements and issues reported by FSCS.
- Assistance to submit required documents as per the FSCS requirements.
- A risk-based detailed report including the customer and accounts that have not been covered in the mandated output file.
- A proven, working solution successfully being used by our clients over 10 plus years to complete their submissions.
- We monitor and manage the implementation activities for financial institutions to achieve the objectives within the regulatory timeline.
- Data validation reporting to analyse reportable data and highlight any data formatting issues that conflict with the mandatory fields.
- A full audit trail which captures exact user details and time stamp.
- Exclusion reports include dormant, disputed, sanctioned, and beneficiary accounts.
- High-level statistics and summaries on the amount of reportable account/customer which enacts as a guide to complete the Effectiveness report.
- Our exception reports would greatly support the financial institutions to update the inaccurate information prior to submission and submit the SCV output file with greater confidence.
- Quick to implement and a cost-effective long-term solution for FSCS regulatory reporting.
SCV Alliance: Effortless FSCS Single Customer View Reporting with Industry-Leading Technology
1. Validate & Transform
Macro Global’s SCV Alliance leverages advanced technology to ensure the accuracy and consistency of your FSCS Single Customer View (SCV) reporting. Our validation and transformation process includes:
- Rigorous data validation: Compare your SCV input data against third-party sources like the FCA DB, Royal Mail DB through API, Companies House, Charities Register, BFPO Address, OFAC Sanction customer check to identify discrepancies in customer and account holder information.
- AI-powered anomaly detection: Our AI-based algorithms and fuzzy logic detect anomalies such as inaccurate customer information, account segregations, and data duplication.
- Data quality improvement: Eliminate data duplication by merging or removing redundant records and resolve account segregation discrepancies through data analysis and reconciliation.
- Comprehensive customer view: Aggregate data from multiple sources to create a comprehensive and accurate single customer view.
2. Audit & Screening
- Aligns with PRA’s data validation rules: Our tool adheres to the strict guidelines set by the Prudential Regulation Authority.
- Contains over 175 predefined checkpoints: Assess your data against a comprehensive set of criteria.
- Identifies potential high, medium, & low risks: SCV Alliance employs advanced AI logics and algorithms and external data sets to discover and report high, medium, and low-risk data issues. This helps you identify any inconsistencies or anomalies that could jeopardise the accuracy of your report, ensuring that your FSCS SCV reporting files comply with all regulatory standards.
3. SCV Report Generation
Generation of Exclusion View File: This file contains appropriate exclusions from the SCV report, including legally dormant accounts, legally disputed accounts, sanctioned accounts, and beneficiary accounts. If there are no accounts to include in an Exclusions View file, the financial institution needs to confirm this with FSCS in the SCV Effectiveness Report.
- Generation of FSCS SCV Report: The SCV report is generated adhering to FSCS requirements in the following specification:
- The SCV file structure: Consisting of four tables such as customer details, contact details, details of accounts, and aggregate balance details, each with specific requirements for data fields.
- Acceptable File Types: Excel, XML, and Text.
- File names: adherence to specific formats, including the use of the firm’s reference number and the date and time the file was created
These steps ensure that your SCV report is accurate and compliant, reducing errors, non-compliance risks, and protecting your data integrity.
With Macro Global’s SCV Alliance, you can benefit from:
- Enhanced data quality: Our advanced validation and transformation processes ensure accurate and consistent data.
- Reduced risk: Our audit and screening process helps identify and mitigate potential risks.
- Increased efficiency: Our automated tools streamline the FSCS SCV reporting process.
- Improved compliance: Our solution ensures adherence to FSCS and PRA regulations.
- Enhanced customer experience: Accurate and complete customer data leads to better customer service.
Experience the power of our SCV Alliance today. Contact us to learn more about how our industry-leading technology can simplify your FSCS reporting and ensure compliance.
Provide utmost accuracy and Complete Peace of mind
We will be able to help you in whatever the stage of your regulatory reporting programs
Stay FSCS compliant always with our SCV Alliance – FSCS SCV Audit Platform
To overcome the challenges that occur during FSCS SCV report submission and transform your PRA status to Green and retain it in every FSCS drill, you can rely on our matured flagship FSCS SCV auditing tool SCV Alliance – FSCS SCV Audit Platform.
FSCS SCV audit solution is designed to help you tackle the challenges around gaining a Single Customer View and develop data quality to promote efficiency in operational readiness and improve accuracy in FSCS SCV Regulatory reporting.
At Macro Global, we firmly believe that it’s simply a case of having the capability to build a consistent actionable dataset that is accurate. We help the firm to transform and unlock the data from a legacy application.
SCV Alliance – FSCS SCV Audit Platform Framework conducts Quality/Health check and Risk Taxonomy of your data to show the integrity and shortfalls which support to derive intended data lineage.
SCV Alliance – FSCS SCV Audit Platform interactive dashboard empowers to visualise the status and progress of static business reporting, highlighting the potential errors which give users the competence to drill down their data to any level of granularity. The system offers an intuitive workspace with the ability to track, monitor, remediate and scale up your data with minimal man-hours.
Our SCV Alliance – FSCS SCV Audit Platform Framework is staged in the cloud and on-premises with integrated business modules including a custom-made design to support high-level data enrichment with choice of multiple input file format and quality data outputs.
SCV Alliance as a data-driven compliance platform for member banks to effectuate the Regulatory requirement. Our data validation rule engine runs hundreds of dissections defined by PRA on your data before submission.
Conquer FSCS SCV Challenges and Achieve a Green PRA Status with SCV Alliance
SCV Alliance goes beyond simple report generation by leveraging advanced techniques to tackle the complexities of gaining a Single Customer View and provide a clear roadmap for data improvement.
This ensures your data is accurate, consistent, and ready for efficient regulatory FSCS SCV reporting.
We assist in transforming data from legacy applications, enabling you to build a robust and actionable dataset that meets all FSCS requirements.
SCV Alliance contributes significantly to ensuring 100% FSCS compliance by incorporating various essential features:
Third-Party Integrations:
Integrates with trusted databases like FCA DB, Royal Mail DB through API, Companies House, Charities Register, BFPO Address, OFAC Sanction customer check among others, enabling efficient data validation against multiple sources, thus ensuring the accuracy of data.
AI-Fuzzy Logic:
Leverages AI-based fuzzy logic for data quality, allowing for multi-level data validations and control procedures. This technology prevents data duplication and inconsistencies, ensuring the generation of accurate SCV reports swiftly in the requisite format for FSCS submission.
Audit Checkpoints:
Employs 175 comprehensive checkpoints to track and report potential High & Medium risk data issues. Through complex algorithms and external data sets, it performs data validation against hundreds of defined dissections, ensuring regulatory compliance.
Audit History:
Provides a detailed audit history, enabling users to track and compare audit results over time. This feature makes the auditing process more transparent and accountable.
Data-Rich Reporting and Analytics:
Enables data-rich reporting and analytics, providing detailed insights into the data landscape. This feature helps maintain compliance and make educated decisions by analysing data trends, patterns, and anomalies.
Dashboard & Risk Analysis:
Gain valuable insights through our interactive dashboard. Visualise existing data issues, conduct risk analyses, and prioritise remediation efforts for optimal results.
Group-Based User Management:
Maintain control and ensure data security with granular user roles. Assign specific permissions based on user needs, ensuring a secure and efficient data management environment.
Ad-on Features: SCV Forza
- A comprehensive FSCS SCV reporting tool that ensures data accuracy and reliability for regulatory compliance.
- Uses AI-based fuzzy logic to facilitate multi-level data validations and control procedures, preventing data duplication and meeting FSCS requirements.
- Enables data mining, extracting valuable insights and patterns from financial data for informed decision-making and regulatory compliance.
- The automation and intelligence embedded in SCV Forza enhance the ability of financial institutions to analyse and utilise data effectively for SCV reporting.
- The data governance framework ensures consistency and compliance within SCV reporting processes, ensuring data formats, definitions, and codes are standardised.
Data Cleansing
- Crucial for data validation, integration, and quality control processes.
- Facilitates identification and correction of errors, inconsistencies, and duplication in data sets.
- Ensures data accuracy, prevents data duplication, and generates SCV reports quickly and accurately.
Data Enrichment
Enhances current datasets by adding new information from various sources.
Aims to make data sets more robust and valuable.
Improves customer profiles, personalises messaging, and gains deeper behavioral insights.
Data Remediation
- Essential for improving dataset reliability.
- Streamlines processes like identifying inaccurate customer information, account segregations, and data duplication.
Provide utmost accuracy and Complete Peace of mind
We will be able to help you in whatever the stage of your regulatory reporting programs
Why banks in UK need FSCS Single Customer view Automation/Audit
“89% of companies still have challenges creating a single customer view resulting in poor decision making due to poor customer insight and process inefficiencies. “
A single customer view is outreached when you can:
- Unify customer data across all your internal systems
- Capture each customer’s activities across all your channels
- Use this information to seamlessly engage with each customer across touchpoints
Without having a Single Customer View and real-time insights in place, organisations struggle to deliver renowned outcomes and may even result in dissatisfaction and even churn.
Decisions based on poor quality data are no more reliable and inaccurate. Cluttering up your database with poor quality data will impact on your ability to make informed judgments and decisions about the state and future of your business.
If you are planning on using your data to make informed decisions and forecast what you should be doing more of for future business growth, you need to make sure that your data is accurate, complete, and duplicate free.
“Single Customer View acts as the single golden source of truth”.
Comprehensive understanding of FSCS Regulatory compliance and mapping them with your customer records depends on the quality of underlying data, which is vital and prominent to achieve a consistent cognizant view.
Financial institutions are ramping up their governance, risk management, and compliance IT investments to avoid fines and prepare themselves for increasing regulatory demands. They are finding the current raft of new and impending rules and regulations by creating a more consistent and comprehensive view.
Having a single view of a customer data help banks understand what business they do with them, and more importantly, how to create better custom.
Our SCV Alliance – FSCS SCV Audit Platform is a regulatory reporting solution designed and suitable for the financial institution to control, automate and flexible to meet ever-increasing regulatory requirements. It is a complete and compliant solution capable of automatically validating and comply with FSCS requirements to report on-demand in 24 hours.
Provide utmost accuracy and Complete Peace of mind
We will be able to help you in whatever the stage of your regulatory reporting programs
FSCS SCV Regulatory Update March 2021
New Changes in FSCS Single Customer View Regulatory Reporting
As you all aware Regulatory Reporting landscape changes quite often with ever-changing metrics and KPI’s with constant demand from the authorities considering market dynamics & business changes which mandate a high level of adherence.
FSCS has announced changes in its SCV reporting specifications and Macro Global has analysed their possible impact across the reporting and other dependent data sets within SCV. In our view, these changes bring more clarity and enhancements to make things easier for both banks and FSCS.
Macro Global is already working on making those changes into our scheduled release in the next few weeks across all our clients. For further queries, write to us at with the subject as “SCV Changes 2021”.
FSCS is now accepting SCV output files with two more file formats where the bank can submit their SCV files using the two new formats. The New file formats are Excel & XML. These new File format specifications are explained on FSCS Single Customer View website.
FSCS accepts the following file types :
- Excel – .xlsx (old .xls and macro-enabled spreadsheets are not accepted)
- XML – .xml
- Text – .txt or .csv
Accounts held by UK or Gibraltar branches are only protected by FSCS. This change affects the Account Branch Jurisdiction must be either GBR or GIB in the SCV or Exclusion view file.
Protection removed for EEA branches of UK deposit takers
From the end of the transition period (11 pm on 31 December 2020), deposits held in EEA branches of UK deposit takers are no longer be eligible for compensation by FSCS. The EEA include the 27 EU Member States along with Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.
Account Details
Field Name | Field Description | Data Type | Max. Field Length | Example | Contents Mandatory? |
Account Branch Jurisdiction | Eligible deposits must be held by UK or Gibraltar establishments. State “GBR” or “GIB”, as applicable. | Alpha | 3 | GBR | Yes |
If the reporting customer has a BFPO address, then the BFPO number should be present in Address line 6. Postcode must be present in the postcode field. The country field must be blank.
You can find government guidance on address formats for BFPOs here:
Ensure the BFPO number is in the final line of the address and leave the country field blank.
If an address has a BFPO postcode instead of a BFPO number, enter the BFPO postcode in the Postcode field.
If any of the reporting customer address is related to the care of address then the C/O must be present in the address line 1 or address line 2 as follows.
- “Care of Mr XXX”
- “C/O Mr XXX”
Alternatively, a specific account status code like “COA” can be assigned to the customer accounts who are having a care-of address.
These care of address customer accounts now can be reported in NFFSTP. If there is any reason you want those customers to be reported in NFFSTP then the bank can report those customer accounts in NFFSTP. If new status code(s) introduced for this purpose then those should be available in the account status code section of the effectiveness report.
If the reporting customer has a phone number(s) then those details should be in the Main phone number, Evening phone number or Mobile phone number fields. If the reporting customer has an email address, then it should be available in the email address field only.
The phone numbers should be formatted without spaces, hyphens or + signs. If it is an international number, then the phone number(s) should be prefixed with 00 instead of + sign.
FSCS has introduced a hierarchical order for the exclusion types where an account is supposed to be assigned with multiple exclusion types then the bank must select one from the hierarchy for that particular account.
Exclusion View File
Accounts cannot appear in both the SCV and Exclusions View file. Legally Disputed, Legally Dormant and Beneficiary classifications apply at an account level.
FSCS has now proposed to not report the same account in SCV and Exclusion view files. Customer may be present in SCV and Exclusion. But account should not exist in SCV and Exclusion view file.
FSCS has now instructed to put 001 in the Account Hold Indicator field for the Beneficiary account(s).
FSCS has now instructed, the bank must manage the legally disputed accounts at the account level, not At the customer level.
How should I treat cases where, for example, a depositor has 4 eligible accounts and one of these is under legal dispute?
If an account is a joint account and any one of the account holders is sanctioned then the other account holders who are not sanctioned should also be placed in the exclusion view file. If that particular non-sanctioned account holder has another account, then that particular account can be placed in the SCV file.
How should I treat a depositor who is has a joint account with a sanctioned individual?
As per the new FSCS guideline, the Legally Dormant accounts will be treated where all the account holder to that account should be placed in the exclusion view file.
How should I treat joint accounts if one account holder is Legally Dormant? For example, Mr. Smith has a sole account with Bank B. He also has a joint account with Mrs. Smith at Bank B, which hasn’t been used for over 15 years. Mrs. Smith hasn’t contacted Bank B in this time. How should Mrs Smith be treated?
Legal dormancy applies at an account level rather than at the depositor level. So, in the above example, Mr. and Mrs. Smith’s dormant joint account should be put into the Exclusions View file, and Mr. Smith’s solo account should be put into the SCV file.
Provide utmost accuracy and Complete Peace of mind
We will be able to help you in whatever the stage of your regulatory reporting programs
Why Banks need FSCS SCV Regulatory Compliance Reporting Tool?
An ever evolving and more stringent FSCS regulatory compliance landscape with increased reporting and risk oversight, demands a sophisticated single customer view reporting tool for financial services firms around the globe.
It’s difficult for banking technology teams to keep up as banks are generating and analysing more customer data than ever before due to initiatives in global derivatives regulation.
Adding to the demands of FSCS regulatory compliance, many of the existing FSCS SCV regulations require changes to transaction formats to standardise processing and reporting.
“Banks are likely to spend more than $8 billion in the next six years to improve technology platforms to meet demands to beef up how they manage and report risks”. – Sungard
Financial institution’s data across the organisation in siloed applications and data stores and sharing data between different parts of their banking institution is difficult and requires manual effort every time data is shared.
Because of these data and organisational silos, FSCS regulatory compliance reporting usually entails transferring information from multiple systems into a centralised data repository, creating more data in the process.
The process of extracting, aggregating, standardising, and reconciling data for regulatory and compliance purposes increases the risk of poor data quality and inaccurate reporting, which can spell trouble for financial institutions.
Our SCV Alliance – FSCS SCV Audit solution helps you to identify inaccuracies and put processes in place to prevent penalties and ensure that your data is duplicate free, consistent and accurate. Our FSCS Single Customer View Audit and Automation solution provides data insights and allows you to correctly identify the individuals and entities to be reported, including exclusion, effectiveness and completeness reports.